Writing OnWords

Continuing to write. Continuing to believe. Continuing to live. Continuing onward.


Whether you are family, friends, author peers, readers, or just curious visitors, I'm glad to have you here. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the step I'd like to take today is to invite you to walk with me.

On this website, you can learn more about me and my works, see what I have published and what I hope to publish soon!

I would also like to invite you to subscribe to my newsletter. There, I will be sharing the steps by which I navigate my life and writing journey, snippets of the works themselves, and offer opportunities for you to help me get the pieces ready for a wider audience through opportunities like beta reading, email list collaborations, and street teams. If you are interested and willing to join me, just select the button below to go to the subscribe form. I promise to never spam you with emails and promotions, and you are always welcome to unsubscribe at any time.